Presentation to Tellus TV

On 4 May 2021 Roy Alexander did a presentation and Q&A on TellusTV as part of their weekly session.
This diary lists all our project related meetings since October 2013. For information on activities prior to this, please see "Diary May 2005 - September 2013"
On 4 May 2021 Roy Alexander did a presentation and Q&A on TellusTV as part of their weekly session.
On 29 April 2021 Kate Harrison had a zoom talk with Sustainable Sherston group from Sherston in Wiltshire.
25th March: Roy Alexander completed the Community Energy England State of the Sector Survey on 25th March and did a one-hour interview about community energy networks with Mohamed Alzarouni of Reading University on 31st March as part of his PhD study
The Annual General Meeting of Ashton Hayes Community Energy C.I.C. will take place this year via Zoom on Thursday 11th March at 8:00pm. Members have been invited to hear about what we’ve managed to do during the past year and what we have planned for the coming months.
Kate and Roy Alexander will be speaking to the Tattenhall Transition Group, Chester on 12 March.