DECC releases Community Energy Strategy Update

DECC has produced an update to the Community Energy Strategy
This is a 2015 Update to the first ever Community Energy Strategy in 2014 published by a UK government. It sets out how the Government has begun a rolling programme of action of action to address the barriers to community energy deployment, and has introduced new policies and programmes as well as improving existing ones. The Government is helping to create the right conditions for community energy to grow by providing a secure foundation, a clear pathway to success, and fostering innovation. It also includes our responses to the Planning, Grid and Hydro Working Groups outlining what we are taking forward.
Announcements include:
· Almost £1 million to develop a best practice local authority community energy programme
· £1.3 million for the Big Energy Saving Network
· Commissioning of new research to build on our community energy evidence base
· Creation of a new Community Energy Efficiency Working Group
· Funding 17 Community Energy Savings Competition projects, above our original commitment of funding 5 projects
· Introducing a new innovation programme on solid wall insulation to help skill up community energy groups during the installation process
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