Our recent film, 'Letters from the Future' will be shown at the Coop Film festival on 7 October at the National Media Museum in Bradford.The film was made by four Ashton Hayes girls - Eleanor Hart 13, Emily Hopkins 11, Grace Owen 11 all of Ashton Hayes and Bella Ball 11 from Mouldsworth. It was produced by Elizabeth Barlow (Bootcamp) and coordinated by Kate Harrison. The filmed was financed by a £4000 grant from DECC under the Low Carbon Communities programme.
The Co-op Film Festival is a non-competitive and not-for-profit youth initiative run by The Co-operative to encourage young people to co-operate, develop creativity and express themselves. It is one of the longest running film festivals in the country and a huge celebration of young people’s creative film-making! It’s been going for a massive 45 years.