Now in Association with

Ashton Hayes Community Energy CIC

Located in rural Cheshire, Ashton Hayes is a well knit community of about 1000 people that is aiming to become England's first carbon neutral community. We started our journey in January 2006 and since then we have already cut our carbon dioxide emissions significantly - by working together, sharing ideas and through behavioural change. We now have our community owned renewable energy company.

This website encapsulates our journey towards carbon neutrality and offers free advice and guidance. Please feel free to use anything from our website (we'd like a credit if you can).


DECC releases Community Energy Strategy Update

DECC has produced an update to the Community Energy Strategy

This is a 2015 Update to the first ever Community Energy Strategy in 2014 published by a UK government. It sets out how the Government has begun a rolling programme of action of action to address the barriers to community energy deployment, and has introduced new policies and programmes as well as improving existing ones. The Government is helping to create the right conditions for community energy to grow by providing a secure foundation, a clear pathway to success, and fostering innovation.  It also includes our responses to the Planning, Grid and Hydro Working Groups outlining what we are taking forward.
Announcements include:
·        Almost £1 million to develop a best practice local authority community energy programme
·        £1.3 million for the Big Energy Saving Network
·        Commissioning of new research to build on our community energy evidence base
·        Creation of a new Community Energy Efficiency Working Group
·        Funding 17 Community Energy Savings Competition projects, above our original commitment of funding 5 projects
·        Introducing a new innovation programme on solid wall insulation to help skill up community energy groups during the installation process


Pilot light test on woodland walk to Mouldsworth

The PC has been trying to get a new lighting system along the woodland part of the footpath towards Mouldsworth. It may take us some time to get a wired system installed so for safety we are trying out these motion activated LED lights. We hope this will make this short walk safer at night. Please let us know if you find a problem with these.


Earth Hour - 28 March at the Recreation Field

Hi everyone, we shall be swithing off the new LED street lights and having fun on the field between 8.30-9.30 pm on 28 March to celebrate Earth Hour. This is when the world gets together to recognise the need to reduce energy use and tackle climate change. Everyone is welcome and we'll be giving the children glow sticks and walking round the field, as we did last year (see photo). We also hope that we shall have tea/coffee/hot chocolate on tap to keep us warm.


AGM: Here about our achievements and what we’re planning

Invitation to AGM 7:30pm 27th November

Parish Rooms, West End

Ashton Hayes Community Energy (AHCE) is a Community Interest Company (CIC) that is owned by the people of Ashton Hayes and works for the benefit of the village. It was set up in October 2011 to promote renewable energy and energy efficiency in the village and it owns and manages the solar photovoltaic (PV) panels on the sports pavilion and school. It works in conjunction with the Going Carbon Neutral Project.

The intention is to build up the village’s renewable energy capacity, through grants and fund-raising initiatives and by investing the profits made by generating green energy.  The company is run by a Board of honorary directors, which currently comprises Prof Roy Alexander (Chair), Garry Charnock, Dr Mary Gillie, Kate Harrison, David Wilson and Rev Dr David Lamb. You are invited to our AGM on 27th November at 7:30 pm at which any village resident over the age of 18 can become a member of the company and have their say in how it moves forward.  There will be some free drinks! See full notice here.


Veg box scheme starts from the local 'Veg Men'

Our local Veg Men are now delivering veg boxes in Ashton Hayes and Mouldsworth. Here is what they say, "If you love fresh seasonal veg, full of natural goodness and free from chemical nastiness; this is the box for you. Our boxes are full of produce which has been grown sustainably and in tune with the seasons; what's more, operating on a local basis ensures that our veg makes it from field to fork in no time at all. Delivered to your door or dropped off at Ashton Shop (we'll donate £1 to the shop if you chose this option) ; the Veg Men box is good for you, good for the community and good for the environment."

Call Sam Cooper 07809484568 or email or twitter @vegmen