Reminder: Energy Company AGM this Thursday 22 Nov.

Ashton Hayes Community Energy (AHCE) is a Community Interest Company (CIC), which means it is owned by the people of Ashton Hayes and works for the benefit of the village. It was set up in October 2011 to promote renewable energy and energy efficiency in the village and it owns and manages the solar photovoltaic (PV) panels on the recreation field pavilion and school.
The intention is to build up the village’s renewable energy capacity, through further grants and fund-raising initiatives and by investing the profits made by generating green energy. The company is run by a Board of honorary directors, which currently comprises Professor Roy Alexander (Chair), Garry Charnock, Dr Mary Gillie, Kate Harrison and David Wilson. Everybody is invited to our AGM on 22nd November at 7:30 pm in the Parish Rooms at which any village resident over the age of 18 can become a member of the company and have their say in how it moves forward.
More details can be downloaded here.