Welcome to our new community energy company

Things are moving fast in Ashton Hayes with the installation of low carbon buildings and community owned PV arrays on public buildings. In order to manage the 'business side' of our village operations we have formed the Ashton Hayes Community Energy - a Community Interest Company (AHCE CIC). Our friends at Carbon Leapfrog gave us advise on setting up this organisation which currently has a Board made up of volunteers and we are now opening our membership to residents who wish to get involved with this interesting and pioneering social enterprise. Our overall aim is to promote renewable energy, lower carbon living and sustainable lifestyles - and work closely with other community organisations such as the village shop, recreation field and the Parish Council. AHCE has just completed work on its LEAF project and we plan to share the findings with like minded communities.


Reminder: Energy Company AGM this Thursday 22 Nov.

Ashton Hayes Community Energy (AHCE) is a Community Interest Company (CIC), which means it is owned by the people of Ashton Hayes and works for the benefit of the village. It was set up in October 2011 to promote renewable energy and energy efficiency in the village and it owns and manages the solar photovoltaic (PV) panels on the recreation field pavilion and school.
The intention is to build up the village’s renewable energy capacity, through further grants and fund-raising initiatives and by investing the profits made by generating green energy. The company is run by a Board of honorary directors, which currently comprises Professor Roy Alexander (Chair), Garry Charnock, Dr Mary Gillie, Kate Harrison and David Wilson. Everybody is invited to our AGM on 22nd November at 7:30 pm in the Parish Rooms at which any village resident over the age of 18 can become a member of the company and have their say in how it moves forward.

More details can be downloaded here.


LEAF project official reports

Our aim has always been to share our findings - good or bad - with other communities.

Here is the New Economics Foundation Report we commissioned to try to quantify the benefits of community action over the past few years. Please credit AHCE (financed by DECC's LEAF funding).


AHCE public meeting on 22 March 2012

Thanks for coming to our meeting. Here are our presentations for the record.


Presentation on Energy

Neighbourhood planning


Green deal